The origin of the term “grail” and its relation with the vertebration of the Way of the Holy Grail in the 21st century
The term “grail” is linked to the cultural and symbolic construct of The Way of the Holy Grail, a key element for the development of tourism along this route. Associated with the Holy Chalice of Valencia, the study aims to provide historical rigor to the narrative and enhance its touristic significance. Aragón is highlighted as a central territory in grail traditions, reinforcing its identity as the “Territory of the Grail”.
The scientific method applied involved three main phases: an etymological analysis using historical sources such as Nebrija’s dictionary (1595) and other medieval texts; identifying connections between the term “grail” and the physical and material characteristics of the Holy Chalice; and reviewing previous linguistic studies to contrast and validate hypotheses. The research sought to reconstruct the meaning of “grail” in the medieval context, acknowledging the lack of uniformity in the classification of domestic objects.
Conclusions indicate that “grail” refers to a vessel made of greda, a white and luminous clay. The term, used in the Kingdom of Aragon since the 10th century, transcends as a symbol of purity and spirituality within grail narratives. These findings reinforce the historical narrative of The Way of the Holy Grail and its touristic potential.
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