Impact of the perceived value attributes of Smart Tourism Technologies (STTs) in promoting sustainable tourism on travel experience
The article explores the central role of Smart Tourism Technologies (STTs) in promoting and facilitating the transition toward sustainable tourism. Five key attributes of STTs were identified—information, accessibility, interactivity, personalization, and security—as essential elements for maximizing the perceived value of these technologies, which in turn influences the overall sustainable travel experience. These attributes were drawn from various studies in the literature. Our research involved an online survey conducted with a sample of 147 tourists who used STTs during a sustainable trip. A linear regression analysis confirmed significant relationships between all STT attributes and the perceived value of STTs, particularly highlighting the importance of interactivity and personalization. The findings also revealed that the perceived value of STTs is strongly linked to the evaluation of the travel experience. By facilitating access to relevant information and personalizing offerings, STTs empower travelers to make informed decisions, thereby reducing their environmental impact while enhancing their overall experience. Moreover, they encourage eco-friendly practices, strengthen connections with local communities, and promote less-visited destinations.
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