Measuring tourism and film relationship with panel one-way fixed and random data

  • Carmin Carmen Ludivina Montante Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Carlos Fong Reynoso Guadalajara University
Keywords: economic policy, film tourism, filmmaking industry, econometric evaluation, developing countries tourism policy, tourism growth, economic impact


Several studies have focused on the economic impact that can be attributed to films and series on tourism in a certain location.  Many have focused on the general economic effects such as employment due to the increase of films or series. Others on the effects of film tourism on the overall image of a particular destination.  In the case of Mexico, tourism contributes 8.4% to its overall GDP (INEGI, 2023). Through our study, we show how the films and series can contribute to tourism and through it to economic growth in developing countries in which tourism contributes significantly, like Mexico, by highlighting the overall Gross Production Output, intermediate consumption, and GDP of the filmmaking industry growth rates according to the satellite data account of culture in Mexico from 2015 to 2021 and proceeding to construct a  econometric evaluation. The measurement is performed using a comparison of fixed and random panel data models and a set of tests that allow for us to measure the influence of film and tv series on tourism in Mexico so as to strongly suggest economic policies that will further benefit growth through the means of the film industry towards tourism. 


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How to Cite
Montante, C., & Fong Reynoso, C. (2025, March 12). Measuring tourism and film relationship with panel one-way fixed and random data. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 8(1), 89-97. Retrieved from