Trends of tourism in four magic villages of puebla, Mexico
In the last few decades, tourism has become the third most important economic activity in Mexico. The increase of the strategies for tourism development has led to a diversification of the tourist offer of the country; for example, in 2001 was created the "Magic Villages Program", linked to the primary and secondary sector primarily, seen as a tool of development of double entry, to serve as a component of improved national and local economy. The paper identifies tourism trends from the characterization of the profile of the tourist and their demand in four Magical Villages of the Northern Sierra of Puebla. To do this, a survey was applied with 50 indicators to a sample of tourists in the region. The analysis of the data suggests that the use of this type of categorization allows the evaluation of tourism demand and the analysis of the degree of involvement of the tourism sector with service providers, from which you can develop an offer of tourist products designed according to the needs of the tourist. The results show that most tourists are young, under the age of 30, most of them students, and with a monthly income equal to or less than $4, 000.00, this tourist is looking primarily at the coexistence with nature and enjoy the gastronomy and handicrafts and has an interest highlighted by the rural tourism.
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