Unveiling the Influence of Tourism Experience Value on Social Media Sharing Intentions and motivations: A Qualitative Ethnographic Study within the Context of Guided Tours
User-generated content (UGC) shared on social media significantly influences tourists' travel planning and decisions regarding destinations. Existing research has extensively examined the impact of UGC on tourists' intentions and behaviours, categorizing this influence into technological, user-related, and destination perception dimensions. However, limited qualitative research has thoroughly explored the factors contributing to the availability of UGC online. Scarcely researched, these factors include self-centred considerations, technological influences, and the tourism experience. Notably, the relationship between the value of tourism experience, sharing attitudes and intentions remains underexplored. To address this gap, our qualitative research utilizes an ethnographic approach to investigate how the value of a "guided tour" enhances tourists' content creation and sharing intentions. Thematic analysis of interviews with 30 participants reveals key components and themes, offering insights for local guided tour experiences. The findings provide practical implications and contribute theoretical insights, paving the way for further studies in the context of local guided tours.
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