Wine landscapes as territorial drivers through wine tourism
The wine landscapes of many countries and regions have historically been symbols of the identity and character of their people. This special character has been claimed and recognized by the tourism sector. Thus, wine tourism becomes an option to diversify economic activities in rural places that face, among other problems, depopulation, aging of wine producers, lack of labor and lack of interest in the primary sector. by the young generations. However, for wine tourism to become a genuine option for local and regional development, there must be good links between wine production, the tourism supply chain and, in general, the entire tourism industry. Therefore, the article aims to explore wine landscapes as a territorial dynamic element and its contribution to local development through wine tourism.
The methodology is based on the participation of Peruvian and Spanish wineries through the focus group technique. The information collected has also been compared with eight main characteristics of local and regional development based on the literature review. The results obtained allow the identification of wine landscapes as a central element of wine tourism experiences beyond visits to wineries and wine tastings, and highlights the role of wineries as drivers of territorial development.
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