The Challenges of Tourism Growth in Eastern and Southern African Countries

  • Tryson Yangailo University of Zambia


This study presents a systematic review of the literature to identify the dominant challenges to tourism growth in Eastern and Southern African countries. The aim was to provide more insight for policy makers, academics and all those responsible for tourism development. The literature review identified poor tourism marketing, poor transport and communication infrastructure, poor government support and investment in tourism, disease and lack of security as the most dominant challenges to travel and tourism growth in Eastern and Southern African countries. To overcome these challenges, governments need to adopt a multi-faceted strategy. In the context of regional integration, policy makers need to fully support the implementation of the regional strategy for sustainable tourism development by establishing an independent body to oversee and ensure the implementation of the strategy. This will lead to the establishment of regional blocs such as COMESA, SADC and EAC as a premier tourism destination, thereby promoting sustainable development, economic expansion and regional integration. Realising the full potential of tourism as a catalyst for economic prosperity and regional integration requires cooperation among states, involvement of the private sector and supportive government policies.


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