Exploratory study of the image of Ibiza among university students
The destination image is a mental representation that people have of a tourist region, being a fundamental element for the tourist destinations management. The Ibiza Island (Spain) is a tourist destination with high international recognition, but its image and positioning has been little studied until now. The aim of this work is to carry out an exploratory study of the tourist image of the Ibiza Island. The analysis was carried out on a sample of 169 university students of the Degree in Tourism at the University of Seville (Faculty of Tourism and Finance), and focused on basic descriptives (frequencies and percentages) that sought to determine the most important elements of the image of Ibiza. It should be noted that only 10.7% of the sample had previously visited the Ibiza Island. The main conclusions were: the main source of information about Ibiza is the general media (61.0%) and family and friends (52.7%); the image of Ibiza is described as nightlife (93.5%) and beaches (86.4%); they define the expected experience as party (27.2%), fun (26.0%) and unforgettable (21.9%); the main attractions are the beaches (76.9%) and nightlife (51.5%); The main activities are attending parties (63.3%), going to the beach (48.5%) and water activities (39.1%); the main impediment to visiting Ibiza is the high prices (62.7%). Finally, 68.6% consider that the image of Ibiza is positive. These results confirm the few previous analyses that exist on the image of Ibiza.
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