Cultural tourism based on tequila production: the case of Casa Sauza
Tequila is the emblematic drink of Mexicanness; in recent decades it has allowed the actions of the tourist and cultural services sector to increase based on its national and international appreciation. The large economic groups or leading industrial corporations dedicated to the production of tequila consider tourism in the diversification of products and offer visits to the agave fields considered the territory covered by the Denomination of origin of the tequila. Objective: to know the origin and economic strategies to position ourselves in the market and achieve product diversification, especially the tourist products of the Casa Sauza economic group. Methods: historical and analytical methods were applied. The research was carried out based on a documentary review with a descriptive scope, and secondary sources of information. Results: in Mexico, the leadership in the production of tequila, combined with the importance given by the State to reproduce the cultural and heritage values that the landscape of the Blue Agave cultivation entails, and the old industrial facilities of Tequila, allow the diversification of tequila products and the inclusion of the cultural and tourist offer of its customs and traditions.
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