• investur investur +34 679218154
  • María del Carmen Ancona Alcocer Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • William Baldemar López Rodríquez Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • Deysi Maria Jerónimo Jiménez Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco


The objective of the cheese festival is to impact the los ríos region, particularly in the municipalities that make up this area, such as emiliano zapata, jonuta, balancán and Tenosique, the latter being the venue for this first call. In addition to supporting the establishment and linking of local producers and fostering in the community the productive festivals and the consumption of what is produced denomination of origin of the Poro cheese that is produced in the municipality of Balancán, the Smoked Tenosique cheese that is unique in its kind and variety, since it is made from raw cow's milk and is a 100% natural product. In this festival, the public learns about gastronomic contests, artisan cheeses, original dishes made from cheese, as well as awards for the best artisan cheese and the best pore cheese. The research design is a cross-sectional descriptive design through a KAP study. As a result, the participation of the livestock sector that makes up the Los Ríos region, in the state of Tabasco, Mexico, is observed.


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How to Cite
investur, investur, Ancona Alcocer, M. del C., López Rodríquez, W. B., & Jerónimo Jiménez, D. M. (2023, June 5). THE CHEESE FAIR, A TOURIST IMPULSE FOR TENOSIQUE, TABASCO. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 6(2), 324-330. Retrieved from