Historical and sociological approaches to the teaching-learning processes of the heritage management for tourism
History and sociology are cross curricular subjects of knowledge to the profession of tourism and its cultural aspect.
Sarapiquí, Costa Rican territory with a high tourist visitation has a huge historical
heritage wealth, of little exploration on this economical activity which demands the addressing of its origins on behalf of the academy.
Although, mere knowledge of moments and historical processes by students become insufficient related to the tourist activity. In this point the sociological approach comes into play, applying and contextualizing these understandings and relate them with social, cultural, and economical dynamics of the current canton tourism.
This article states the cohesion of both approaches, formulating an interdisciplinaryalternative on the historical approach for Sarapiquí’s case and its relation to themanagement of this type of heritage, which is tourist oriented. This proposal emerges from the reflection of the lectures in the setting of two current courses of the major in management of the recreation and tourism at Sarapiquí Campus, Universdad Nacional, Costa Rica.
Therefore, starting from a bibliographical investigation, the first approach covers four moments and processes which look for the identification of their historical origins. The second approach covers the application of these knowledges by proposing a strategy of management with local organizations connected to this economical activity.
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