In the current context of energy crisis due to the Ukraine war and in a highly competitive environment, improving passenger satisfaction at the airport is essential to guarantee its profitability and survival. On the other hand, the airport is an ideal space to show the cultural heritage of the region where it is located. Passengers in transit, who do not know an area in question, can make the decision to revisit it alone or in company, attracted by what they have learned about it at the airport. The smart airport, with its technological advances and different devices, can provide cultural experiences far superior to the traditional ones in terms of quality, immersion and enjoyment. This paper identifies these devices, and proposes and analyzes, in the light of Pine and Gilmore's Theory of Experience, actions in the smart airport to turn it into a space for the spread of cultural heritage, as well as memorable experiences that induce the passenger to visit and revisit that country. The airport so designed, produces direct benefits, since some of the proposed experiences reduce stress, which increases store sales, and indirect benefits, since it publicizes certain services in the country, such as restaurants, and can increase exports of typical products.
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