Tourism as a strategic axis for the agendas of sustainable development and integrated management of the landscape, giz

  • Julio César Rosales Paredes Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
  • José María Salas González Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
  • María Isabel Palacios Rangel Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
Keywords: MEMRT, Magic Towns, Strategies, IPM


One of the strategic axes that GIZ has to achieve sustainable development is tourism, which, in conjunction with the objectives of the agency (training, generation of social networks and government-society link) in the Sierra Norte de Puebla, Mexico, they are aimed to respond areas of opportunity where tourism products of high quality and low environmental impact can be created. Therefore, the objective of these products is to generate an alternative income for the inhabitants and an economic benefit in the region. The creation of tourism products compatible with the environment contributes to local development through the sustainable use of its resources and with the encouragement of productive, social and institutional transformation processes. Therefore, prioritizing the use of resources through the Multicriteria Assessment Methodology of Tourism Resources (MEMRT) as a basic approach, allowed the design of strategies that contribute to local development. The results of the application of the MEMRT promote collaboration with the Integrated Landscape Management (IPM) project in which the key actors of different sectors, with influence on sustainable management and tourism management, implement jointly and coordinatedly measures for IPM in the study area. For this reason, the generation of any type of social and collective induction actions for the promotion of tourism, from the perspective of sustainable development, should consider the environment as an element of importance comparable to that given to tourism products.

Author Biographies

Julio César Rosales Paredes, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo

Universidad Autónoma Chapingo

José María Salas González, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo

Universidad Autónoma Chapingo

María Isabel Palacios Rangel, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo

Universidad Autónoma Chapingo


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How to Cite
Rosales Paredes, J. C., Salas González, J. M., & Palacios Rangel, M. I. (2019, April 17). Tourism as a strategic axis for the agendas of sustainable development and integrated management of the landscape, giz. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 2(2), 74-101. Retrieved from