The historic center of Lima, declared a cultural heritage of humanity by UNESCO in 1991, is the territorial space that houses the largest concentration of museums in Peru and is one of the main touristic products of the city of lima. The adequate and efficient touristic management of this heritage can contribute to the sustainable development of Lima as a tourist destination in the long term. The analysis of the quality attributes most valued by foreign tourists from the perception of museum managers and tourism experts seek to contribute to the understanding of the dynamics between the tourism and culture sectors, on whose agreement depends on the development and diversification of the cultural tourism offers. Using a mixed-methods study, the quality attributes most valued by foreign visitors are analyzed, from the perspective of the managers of the museums most visited by foreign visitors, and of the receptive tour operators responsible for the design and offer of cultural experiences for this segment. This comparison allows us to recognize gaps and to pose improvements to the offer of cultural tourism based on the heritage resources of the city. The source triangulation method was applied in this study and the quality models of tourism services Tourqual (mondo t., 2014) and Histoqual (Frochot & Hughes, 2000) were considered as a reference framework.
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