Gastronomy plays a central role in the economic growth of Heritage Cities. The socioeconomic changes and the regulations established after the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, manifested themselves in the adaptation of heritage environments in order to maintain the existing socioeconomic dynamics. In this paper, several restaurants in the historic centers of Zacatecas and San Miguel de Allende were investigate pointing to commercial behavior and architectural alteration in buildings with the aim of integrating them into the tourist service structures that are available in the new regulations. The research evidenced the opportunities offered by the rooftops of heritage cities, both in aesthetic, health, and economic terms. In the same way, the historical and environmental implications of the commercia growth in these sites of great cultural value are observed, in order to better understand the process of commodification of the terraces. This article proposes a framework to identify commercial patterns based on the aerial perception of two cities with great urban-architectural richness. With this objective, restaurants with terraces in Zacatecas and San Miguel de Allende are represented; then the type of interventions carried out on the heritage buildings to establish a commercial space on the roof is shown; Finally, a critical assessment of the regulations and the implications of restaurants with an aerial view as a health alternative and risk for heritage authenticity is established.
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