Tourism activity faced, like the rest of the sectors, the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a closure of borders and a cessation of physical displacement and human interactions to which we were all accustomed, this new reality caused a crisis in tourism activity, it was necessary to rethink new forms of travel in the midst of an uncertain panorama, in which health security reigned and the search for answers regarding the total control, or at least reduction of infections by the virus. Now, a recovery in tourism activity is observed, an increase in domestic displacements is optimistically expected that can reactivate the recreational activities to which travellers were accustomed. The objective of this paper is to present a current view of travel trends globally and the specifically for Mexican Tourism, for which the provisions of international bodies involved in measuring tourist inflows have been reviewed in detail, such as de World Tourism Organization, and the tourism satellite accounts, in addition to various bodies that at the national level are constantly working to observe the different panoramas, specifically on the current situation of domestic and international travel trends. The results allow us to observe the opportunities of markets, travel trends, routes that have gained ground, the new market niches that opt for other destinations or tourist offers. Hence, some opportunities are presented that highlight the goodnesses of Mexican tourism and the possibilities of competing with notoriety in this new stage of tourist recovery.
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