n the Community of Madrid, after the end of the state of alarm caused by the SARS- CoV-2 virus—on June 21, 2020, also known as the start of the "new normal"—, cultural tourism has become an alternative to other predominant tourist modalities in the capital, such as MICE tourism (Meeting, Incentives, Conferencing and Exhibitions). This fact has led to a tourism of proximity with a greater interest in local heritage that has enhanced existing tourism products and generated new ones by official institutions. In this paper, we analyze cultural tourism. More specifically, we analyze the cultural routes promoted on the official web pages of the Community of Madrid and the Madrid City Council. The aim is to evaluate the type or types, design, structure and contents, programming, and divulgation of these types of routes. The results show a wide diversity of cultural routes in the Community and the town of Madrid, but with certain shortcomings and deficiencies in terms of structure and content, typological classification, and presentation on official websites. For all these reasons, some proposals are made to improve and reinforce training in heritage interpretation and didactics for tourism professionals.
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