The middle section of the Guadalquivir River represents a new protected area in Andalusia included in the Natura 2000 Network, after its declaration as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) in 2015. Its presence and impact in sixteen municipalities in the provinces of Jaén, Córdoba and Seville4 it has not been much studied, thus ignoring the opportunity to reorient its traditional tourist strategies. These strategies were based mainly on the enhancement of the cultural heritage.
The present work aims to increase the visibility of the perspectives that ornithological tourism can achieve in this area, through a case study focused on the municipality of Peñaflor (Seville). A participatory and prospective methodology has been applied, associated with the design of sustainable development strategies in protected areas.
The results fit with the condition of the municipality as a prominent enclave of this ecological corridor and its proposal as a habitat for an abundant birdlife. This also takes into account the recognition of an observed potential related to the deployment of various equipment for public use and the advancement of proposals for a strategy on local bird tourism. This strategy is approached from different approaches (scientific, educational, recreational and socioeconomic) complementary to the management plan of this area of the Natura 2000 Network.
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