Tourism is an industry in constant evolution and change. In addition, the last twenty years have been a challenge in the management of sustainable tourism for residents, tourists and visitors. The aim of this research is to analyse the status of flamenco tourism as a segment of cultural tourism, since before the crisis in the tourism sector caused by the COVID-19, markets have to be restructured and seeking new options that aim to satisfy the needs of the
final consumer, in addition to seeking tourist alternatives more aligned with the SDGs of the United Nations. The strength of Flamenco makes it became the identification mark of Andalusia and Spain, which translates into an external demand and an influx of knowledgeable tourists from flamenco or curious about it. The method used is based on the application of the knowledge development process - constructivist (PROKNOW-C), providing a structured, rigorous and minimizes the use of randomness and subjectivity in the bibliographic review process. As results, 7 relevant articles are obtained and aligned with the subject of research, enabling identifying the main approaches proposed by the authors of this bibliographic portfolio in relation to the problem proposed. This research sees the guiding bases for future contributions to knowledge about a topic, showing a systematic guide in its construction, and also seeing an opportunity to rethink flamenco tourism as a focus of a sustainable tourism model.
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