The town of Tomar, located in the centre of Portugal, is mainly known by the Convent of the military Order of the Temple, which was renamed Order of Christ after the extinction of the Templar’s Order. Actually, the convent is classified by the UNESCO as a World Heritage. Beside the convent, there is more heritage to be found in the town, tangible and intangible, like the former synagogue, the São João Baptista church, and the Tabuleiros Festivity. The author proposes a guided visit through the town which does not only include the heritage buildings and their history, but also the building stones of the ancient and recent edifications, belonging or not to the town’s historical heritage, as well as pavements and coverings. By telling the geological history of the stones, their probable provenience, weathering and treatment, and showing their fossils and minerals, a natural aspect is added to the cultural one, amplifying the content and the interest of the visit, and complementing the existing offer of guided tours. Therefore, the proposed tour is a link between cultural and natural tourism. Such a kind of visit is new in the town of Tomar, so this work is an innovative one.
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