Tabasco, a state of the Mexican Republic with enormous natural and cultural wealth, which for decades stood out for its business tourism, this being the strongest activity in terms of tourism, -even though there is a large presence of the oil sector in the area -. In recent years, particularly alternative tourism has had a greater participation in this sector, which has led to the establishment of various strategies to promote it; Since the emergence of SARS-CoV-2, in Tabasco as in almost the whole world, the tourism sector has been one of the most vulnerable, which forces us to identify some of the effects that have had the most impact on the sector, for Therefore, the objective in this work is to identify the conditions of the post-COVID-19 tourist attractions, in the Coconá Caves, the Botanical Garden of God and the Agua Blanca State Park in the municipalities of Teapa, Tacotalpa and Macuspana, which make up the route " Adventure in the Sierra” in the state of Tabasco, Mexico; For this, on-site visits were made to assess the current conditions, a semi-structured interview was applied. It is observed in the results that the places are kept in conditions to receive visitors, although the influx during the quarantine by COVID-19 decreased drastically, some of its services had to be closed and modifications made in the visit, processes so that with the safety and hygiene measures applied could prevent contagion among both employees and visitors. Gradually the number of visitors has been increasing, predominantly local tourists.
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