Gastronomic tourism represents an interest for all tourism managers, intermediaries, producers and visitors. This is reflected in visitor spending linked to consumption and also in the motivation to experience authentic products, local recipes or events and museums focused on culinary identity.
In 2010, traditional Mexican cuisine was declared by UNESCO, a cultural heritage of humanity. Puebla is the only place in Mexico where the dishes have a date of birth, linked to historical events that identify them. In addition to this, it has an imortant gastronomic variety that makes it attractive for tourists when planning a trip, so that typical food becomes a reference in this destination.
2021 marked the 200th anniversary of chiles en nogada, an emblematic dish which combines pre-Hispanic ingredients, spices from Asia and Africa. Likewise, it generates tourist movements within the city, as it is in the month of August. The objective was to analyze the actions that have favored its impulse, transmission and continuity. A qualitative documentary investigation was carried out with secondary sources.
It is concluded that this dish reflects history, tradition, culture and identity. The importance of Mexican cuisine lies in its large number of unique and highly attractive products. Currently, it has its own route with which it is intended to promote internal tourism
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Noticias de economía y finanzas
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