Hermeneutics of tourism scientific corpus 50 theses about the corpus of tourism

  • Antonio Dos Santos Queirós Philosophy Center. Faculty of Arts of the Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)
Keywords: Paradigm, Axiom, Hermeneutics, Environmental Tourism, Corpus Scientific


This essay wants to discuss the conceptual framework from where emerges the new paradigm of environmental tourism, discussing at the same time if can be conceptualized bya set of axioms, as an autonomous Scientific Corpus of Tourism.

Crossing this analytical and experimental way, new conceptual definitions emerges, claiming to have "mathematician" value, comparable to the "scientific laws” or axioms, like the definition of the types or categories of tourism, the concepts of taste, aesthetics of the landscape, particularly the parallel aesthetic- categories applied to tourism products and even simple mathematical formulas adequate to expresses the new relationship between the heritage and the value chains of tourism.

The Convention, approved at the 22nd UNWTO General Assembly transforms the Code of Ethics for Tourism into an international convention.

Tourism is today a scientific autonomous area under construction, with a fewer developed conceptual corpus, but has its own identity and autonomy compared to other areas of science.

This essay, in the form of 50 thesis, departing from the perspective of convergence of different tourism theories, wants to design the pathway to the construction of a theoretical body of Scientific Corpus of Tourism, discovering some of the "universal constants" of tourism phenomenology.

50 bricks of its fundamental concepts, presented as philosophical axioms, like a Tourism Rosetta Stone.

Author Biography

Antonio Dos Santos Queirós, Philosophy Center. Faculty of Arts of the Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)

Philosophy Center. Faculty of Arts of the Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)



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How to Cite
Dos Santos Queirós, A. (2019, February 15). Hermeneutics of tourism scientific corpus 50 theses about the corpus of tourism. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 2(1), 157-182. Retrieved from http://jthr.es/index.php/journal/article/view/35