Tourism and wellness

  • Isabel María Román Sánchez University of Almeria
  • Nastute Pavlova University of Almeria
  • Isabel Ana Eguizábal-Román University of Almeria
  • Ina Pavlova University of Almeria
Keywords: Tourism, Welfare, Health, Economy


The relation between tourism and physical and mental welfare, are studied and analysed by scientifics of various knowledge areas and for several decades. Specifically, the number of investigations about tourism and its effects on health, has been growing over the last few years and has become increasingly important in different branches of knowledge. The areas showing more productivity are Business and Management with 27% of total, Social Sciences with 24,3%, Medicine (8,0%), Economy (8,0%), etc. Among the institutions from different countries that investigate these subjects, EEUU is the first, followed by Australia and United Kingdom. Spain is placed seventh in the study of these subjects. This research work presents a scientometric analysis of the scientific literature about tourism and wellness from the year 1989 to date. This study provides an opportunity to investigators in tourism and health to analysethe latest trends and main institutions and authors of the scientific community research activities.

Author Biographies

Isabel María Román Sánchez, University of Almeria

University of Almeria

Nastute Pavlova, University of Almeria

University of Almeria

Isabel Ana Eguizábal-Román, University of Almeria

University of Almeria

Ina Pavlova, University of Almeria

University of Almeria


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How to Cite
Román Sánchez, I. M., Pavlova, N., Eguizábal-Román, I. A., & Pavlova, I. (2019, February 7). Tourism and wellness. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 2(1), 103-122. Retrieved from