• Pablo Esteban González Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral – ICASUR
  • Argentina Mabel Morán Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral – ICASUR
Keywords: local development, rural landscape, cultural landscape, territory, survey


A rural landscape could be able considered as a cultural landscape if it has experienced the effects of human activity in a certain period. The synthesis of contributions of nature with the activities of the society, allows us to observe the relationship between a cultural landscape and the natural environment.

Southern Patagonia is an extensive territory composed of a natural environment. Within it is the Comarca of the Rio Turbio Carboniferous Basin, which summarizes a cultural landscape due to human activity throughout years of occupation.

For a decade, the Academic Unit (UNPA) has been working in the so-called Chacra’s Zone, carrying out surveys and interviews, surveys and social, productive and environmental diagnoses, considering the possibility of developing rural tourism of a local nature, which uses the natural resources available within a framework of sustainability and that positions local culture and heritage as unique attractions due to their authenticity and scarcity. It also sought to know the local idiosyncrasy when promoting the development of rural territories.

As a result, the zoning of this small cultural territory in rural areas proposed through some indicators used in the surveys carried out: land tenure, the origin of the occupants, the zone and infrastructure the properties, access to services and the aspects of sanitation and management of pollutants, among others.


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How to Cite
Esteban González, P., & Mabel Morán, A. (2021, October 1). THE ZONING OF RURAL SPACE AS A TOURIST DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR THE REGION OF THE CARBONIFIER BASIN OF RIO TURBIO. AUSTRAL PATAGONIA ARGENTINA. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 4(4), 120-141. Retrieved from