Chinese tourism an opportunity for the destinations of cultural tourism in Spain

  • Blanca García Henche Universidad Alcalá de Henares 
  • Gang Qi
Keywords: chinese tourism in Spain, Spanish market, cultural tourism


To Since 2004, when Beijing approved Spain as a tourist destination, the number of Chinese visitors has not stopped growing. However, Spain is still far from the numbers of its main European competitors (France, Italy, Germany ...).

According to the report of the National Academy of Tourism of China, the average stay of Chinese tourists in Spain is 10-12 days, with their purpose being, mainly, cultural tourism and shopping.

In addition, travel agencies and researchers in the sector point to a change in the profile of the visitor. More and more Chinese young people arrive who speak English and do not use the pre-organized trip. They use new technologies to personalize their trip, be it booking hotels, buying tickets, etc. However, the demand for cultural and urban tourism is still paramount in this group of tourists.

Experts from the Research Institute on International Tourism in China highlight that Spain was introduced to the map of Chinese tourists late due to a lack of direct flights and little promotion of its tourist attractions. But now it tries to recover the lost time with the opening of new air routes and with marketing actions to attract this traveler.

The objective of the research is to analyze the profile of Chinese tourists in Spain and study the opportunities presented to destinations that offer cultural and urban tourism whose target market is Chinese tourists.

Author Biographies

Blanca García Henche, Universidad Alcalá de Henares 

Universidad Alcalá de Henares 

Gang Qi

Universidad Alcalá de Henares,Centro Cultural de China en Madrid


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How to Cite
García Henche, B., & Qi, G. (2019, February 7). Chinese tourism an opportunity for the destinations of cultural tourism in Spain. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 2(1), 63-86. Retrieved from