Gastronomic heritage news in times of pandemic
Undoubtedly, the pandemic resulting from COVID-19 has made all the headlines in the local, national and international press. However, the press tends to highlight or not what it considers has the greatest impact on its audience. Capacity limitations, mobility and restrictions for all types of establishments have been on the front page of newspapers since March of 2020 to the present. Although before the pandemic gastronomy, restaurants and in general, food enjoyed a notoriety that occupied entire pages of specialized magazines and fashion sections in newspapers. However, nowadays the news focuses its attention on the economic and social impact that affects this sector in particular. Thus, this article explores, based on the review of two of the main newspapers in Catalonia, the content and in general, the development of the discourse on gastronomy and cultural heritage that is transported by newspapers from July to November 2020. The methodology used focuses on the analysis of textual content directly associated with gastronomy and intangible cultural heritage. The information gathered provides some ideas and reflections on the possible perceptions around gastronomy by a specific sector of society represented in the readers of the newspapers analysed. Likewise, it reflects on trends and the future of gastronomic communication and intangible cultural heritage, as well as the advances or setbacks in the collective imaginary that the pandemic may have meant for the gastronomic sector.
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