Valencia, focal point of the holy grail route, route of knowledge, path of peace
Since 1959 there is evidence of the existence of a route drawn up by the Archbishopric of Valencia that runs from the Royal Pantheon Monastery of San Juan de la Peña in the Pyrenees,
to the Cathedral of Valencia. This road, it was established when the celebration of the XVII Centenary of the arrival in Spain of the Holy Chalice and was named Holy Grail Route.
The aim of this study is to present the contributions made so far by civil society through the Cultural Association El Camino del Santo Grial and the administrations involved in the development of this path, focusing on the Aragon’s regions and Valencia. With the aim of presenting a global and international European project.
Based on the success stories of other more outstanding routes, a SWOT analysis of the current state of the Holy Grail Route is carried out with the mission of being able to integrate the results within a European project that contemplates the vertebration of the territory as a priority for its social, economic and tourist development.
The results obtained show a series of reflections about how we can do in the future. The result of the application of the most advanced parameters of tourist management regarding culture, tradition, heritage, and landscape that are explained as possible tools for local growth throughout the Grail Territory.
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