Coffee taste perceptions based on a sensory test

  • Adriano Costa Polytechnic of Guarda/CITUR/UDI
  • Carla Castro Polytechnic of Guarda/UDI.
  • Nelson Soares Polytechnic of Guarda/UDI
  • Romeu Lopes Polytechnic of Guarda/CITUR/UDI.
Keywords: expectations, perceptions, sensor test, coffee, shape


Coffee is the second most consumed beverage in the world after the water, and the second most traded liquid after oil (Associação Industrial e Comercial de Café, 2021).

Even before tasting, there are different elements that interfere in peoples’ sensory and hedonic expectations, such as shape, colour, or aroma, among others (Doom et al, 2017; Piqueras-Fiszman & Spence, 2015; Shankar et al., 2010).

In Portugal, for instance, espresso is the favourite coffee, and coffee capsules are the preferred type by both men and women (Borges, 2016). In this sense, for the experiment, we will use coffee machines using capsules. These machines can be found in almost every household, and each person may use different coffee cups or mugs, which shows the importance of the experiment. Given that some taste perceptions may vary according to age and gender (Bruwer et al., 2011 e Corso, 1971), the sample comprises Portuguese students from four different schools. The sample consists of 112 respondents, students and employees at IPG Campus, who are mostly people under the age of 25 and who may represent the next generation of coffee consumption for the next decades. Therefore, this study may be somewhat innovative and bring useful insights for the future coffee market.


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How to Cite
Costa, A., Castro, C., Soares, N., & Lopes, R. (2021, April 1). Coffee taste perceptions based on a sensory test. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 4(2), 422-437. Retrieved from