The adoration of the virgen de los remedios and religious tourism in comonfort, Guanajuato

  • Rocio Esquivel Ríos Universidad Tecnológica de San Miguel de Allende
  • María Martha Villaseñor Ramírez Universidad Tecnológica de San Miguel de Allende
Keywords: religious tourism, Virgen de los Remedios, Comonfort, Cultural tourism


This document describes the fervor and faith that the community of Comonfort, Guanajuato professes to the Virgen de los Remedios, its festivities, rituals and the cultural wealth that surrounds it, which is why it is becoming an attraction for tourists and visitors.

The Virgin of Los Remedios is a Marian dedication linked to the Holy Trinity, related to crops and good harvests, being on September 8 its festivity. However, it is of utmost importance for the Comonfort community, in addition to the celebration that takes place in September, for the month of November the main festival is held in their honor.

Both celebrations take place in a context of devotion and mysticism, which is why it increasingly attracts the attention of both locals and strangers. Being the main objective of this document to make known the importance of the celebrations, what they involve and the tourist potential it has.

The document is divided into four main sections, beginning with the general description of the celebrations in honor of the Virgen de los Remedios and the geographical location of the destination. Subsequently, the methodology used for the development of this research is framed, emphasizing that this is a research considered descriptive, not experimental, longitudinal.

In the third stage, the conceptual framework that frames the history, dedication and fervor towards the virgin is described, which makes this celebration the most important in the community, understanding that the municipality of Comonfort since 2018 is one of the towns magic of Mexico having cultural tourism as the most practiced in the region.

Finally, the findings and final reflections are developed. They show the importance of cultural tourism, primarily religious tourism through devotion and adoration of the Virgin of los Remedios.


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How to Cite
Esquivel Ríos, R., & Villaseñor Ramírez, M. M. (2021, April 1). The adoration of the virgen de los remedios and religious tourism in comonfort, Guanajuato. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 4(2), 312-331. Retrieved from