ICTs within the framework of the orange economy to potentialize innovation of mypes in the tourism sector in the Huánuco, Perú

Keywords: pandemic, MSEs, ICTs and Orange economy


In the current scenario of a Covid 19 pandemic, the tourism sector has been
affected by the closure of borders and travel restrictions imposed around
the world. The study seeks to analyze the impact of the application of ICTs
within the framework of the orange economy, to potentiate the innovation
of MSEs in the tourism sector in the Huánuco region. This research is of a
basic type, descriptive level, non-experimental design, transectional, with a
sample of 20 Mypes from the tourism sector. The results show that 90% of
the Mypes have experienced an economic impact as a result of the
pandemic, they have suffered drops in their sales, 55% had limitations to
supply themselves and 40% had problems opening. As of August, 85% of
companies have resumed their operations, 90% being reactivated through
the use of technologies. It is concluded that the digital transformation in
tourism becomes relevant in these times and becomes a strategic process
where the company takes advantage of competitive advantages through
technological tools, playing an important role in turning this crisis into a
new development opportunity. generating an awakening of the orange


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How to Cite
Pasquel Cajas, A., Cajas Bravo, V., & Pasquel Loarte, L. (2021, April 1). ICTs within the framework of the orange economy to potentialize innovation of mypes in the tourism sector in the Huánuco, Perú. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 4(2), 113-124. Retrieved from http://jthr.es/index.php/journal/article/view/271