Tourism and the new ways of food consumption: an exploratory approach

  • João T. Simões Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
  • Eunice R. Lopes Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
Keywords: Tourism, gastronomy, climate change, sustainable tourism, conscious food


This exploratory study aims to contribute to this theme because the scarcity of academic works related to the subject of food in tourism is pointed out by several authors as a gap in this area of knowledge. It was intended to present in this document some considerations and to raise the interest of the academy about a new approach between the relationship of tourism and food, thus starting an exploratory study on new eating habits and, more specifically, on the profile of the "new food consumer". An exploratory review of the most relevant bibliography was carried out through the Scopus research engine® and later, information was researched to determine some considerations about the new eating habits (their definition, typology, and characteristic). With this research, some results were obtained, namely data related to food waste. This study addressed and delimited concepts, exploring hypotheses, and attempting to present a technical-scientific contribution through potential measures of application to the tourism industry in the dynamics of "new food consumption". The new consumption habits that have emerged recently and rapidly in relation to food are still little explored in tourism. The agents and even some part of the population, despite a notion, are unaware of the genesis and characteristics of all regimes that integrate conscious consumption. This, means that economic operators, may not be able to respond effectively to the adaptations that the response to this type of (conscious) consumption requires.


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How to Cite
Simões, J. T., & Lopes, E. R. (2021, January 1). Tourism and the new ways of food consumption: an exploratory approach. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 4(1), 267-288. Retrieved from