Business survival in the post-covid-19 era. the case of Málaga as a cultural destination

  • Francisco Sánchez-Cubo Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
  • José Luis Sánchez-Ollero Universidad de Málaga
  • Elisa del-Cubo-Arroyo Universidad de Málaga
Keywords: Accommodation, COVID-19, Cultural Destination, Economic Crisis, Spain


he health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the beginning of a dramatic economic crisis, the principal victim of which is the hospitality industry. That is especially relevant in countries and regions highly dependent on tourism such as Spain as 

a whole or, more specifically, Andalusia. In this context, it is worth investigating the effects that this crisis would have on tourist destinations, taking into account their different characteristics and circumstances.

Therefore, this study analyses the present and potential effects of the current crisis and the policies derived from it on cultural destinations, taking the city of Malaga as a case study. For this, a descriptive analysis of the Spanish hotel industry in 2019 is carried out, while a comparison is made with the current provisional figures. Besides, the effects of the policies implemented are evaluated, and their potential effects in the hospitality industry of Malaga are inferred. Thus, this piece of work is relevant insofar as it provides a holistic view of the current situation of the hospitality industry in Malaga and allows to know the strengths and weaknesses it has, contributing to the decision-making process.


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Cubo, F., Sánchez-Ollero, J. L., & del-Cubo-Arroyo, E. (2021, January 1). Business survival in the post-covid-19 era. the case of Málaga as a cultural destination. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 4(1), 85-97. Retrieved from