Tourism purchase decision for the automotive service in baja California (Mexico): baja 1000 miles
Sports tourism represents an important trend, especially off-road races such as ‘Baja 1000’, which generates a large influx of visitors, spectators and competitors, wich leads to the hiring of the auto mechanic service in the region. This study represents an important exploratory approach on the issue of the mechanic service purchase decision, given the scarcity of studies that theoretically supports its adequate interpretation, especially in Baja California (Mexico); in addition to describing hoy the variables price, quality and trust intervene in that decision. The sample consisted of 255 customers who were administered a questionnaire through Google Forms. Thus, given the little literature that addresses the problem developed here, practical contributions are valuable. Among the outstanding findings, it was observed that the male gender gives more importance to price, while the female gender gives priority to quality and trust. Finally, recommendations are issued for the administration and management of companies in the automotive sector to improve service and business competitiveness.
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