Two hundred years of the migratory footprint of Spain in Cienfuegos

  • Martha A Alonso Vives
Keywords: inventora of cultural resources;, cultural tourism;, cultural Industry;


The present work is a partial cut to the objective of making an inventory of cultural resources from the migratory footprint of Spanish origin that has the Cienfuegos province. It is a compilation synthesis of a wide and diverse bibliographic source of authors who have studied and researched the issue of migration from Spain established in Cienfuegos. It goes through the main causes of its origin, the migrant footprint in the Cienfuegos culture.

Several instruments were used in the search of primary and secondary sources, field activities to researchers of recognized prestige in the subject. The historical method turned out to be the most pertinent, as well as the analytical, systemic and dialectical method, obtaining as a partial result an inventory of heritage resources capable of becoming cultural products suitable to be part of the offer of our cultural industries to a cultural tourism that increases your demand.

Cienfuegos celebrates two hundred years of foundation on April 22, 2019. It is true that it is a city founded by French, but ... how much of Spain in Cienfuegos? Two hundred years of migratory footprint of Spain in Cienfuegos, that can be appreciated through its culture.

The Office of the Cienfuegos City Curator is executing a Program for the protection and conservation of the city's heritage in greeting of the 200th anniversary of the city's foundation.

Author Biography

Martha A Alonso Vives

Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad Carlos Rafael Rodríguez Rodríguez


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How to Cite
Alonso Vives, M. A. (2018, December 30). Two hundred years of the migratory footprint of Spain in Cienfuegos. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 1(4), 1-38. Retrieved from