Cultural Tourism and Museum Activity(s)

  • Eunice R. Lopes Centro de Tecnologia, Restauro e Valorização das Artes, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
  • João T. Simões Centro de Tecnologia, Restauro e Valorização das Artes, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
Keywords: tourism, cultural heritage, museology, developmet


Cultural tourism has been consolidated as an important economic activity in the enhancement of territories where the traditional productive sector is increasingly weakened. Museums have become assets for safeguarding heritage through the development of activities that promote cultural-tourism dynamics of cultural, social and environmental exchange, projecting the territories by promoting our heritage and museums. This paper aims to explore the dynamics of tourism and cultural heritage and to highlight the relationship between these two domains in the context of museological activity. It is imperative that tourism knows the museological spaces in order to enrich and value the museological activity(s), and that museums could integrate into the process of structured and differentiated tourism offers in the market and tourist services for cultural and tourism attractiveness. In recent years, the central region of Portugal has shown a significant increase in visitors, however the total number of visitors does not show uniformity between visitation to museums, monuments and palaces under the Directorate General of Cultural Heritage (DGPC). According to data issued by PORDATA, the same is reflected in the total number of visitors from the Tagus (national and foreign). This paper intends to bring into consideration these two lines of reflection, configuring the study in the relation of cultural tourism with the museological activities, as anchor domains of action in the development of the territory(s).



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How to Cite
Lopes, E. R., & Simões, J. T. (2020, October 1). Cultural Tourism and Museum Activity(s). Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 3(4), 107-119. Retrieved from