Exploring the Impact of Socio-Demographic Dimensions in Choosing a City Touristic Destination
This study aims to identify and categorize the pull factors that determine the choice of the city of Porto as a European tourist destination. Furthermore, it intends to explore the role and relevance of socio-demographic variables in these pull factors. This study employs a quantitative approach using questionnaires carried out with tourists on the margins of the Douro River in the city of Porto. A descriptive and correlational analysis of pull factors is performed to understand the importance of them, and a one-way ANOVA is employed to explore the relevance of socio-demographic variables. The findings indicate that the main pull factor that motivates tourists to visit the city of Porto is the hedonic consumption dimension. Furthermore, the most relevant socio-demographic variables in the tourists' behavior are the country of origin, age, gender, and income. This work is particularly relevant for tourism operators by allowing them to formulate and develop a more effective value proposition to the target audience.
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