Approach to idiomatic tourism as a strategic and dynamizing segment in the cities: an Seville analysis

  • Cristina Ceballos Hernández University of Seville
  • Alba María de la Cruz Luna University of Seville
  • Juan Bardón Rafael Escuela de Idiomas Carlos V
Keywords: Idiomatic tourism, study abroad, Spanish, Seville, immersive program


Spanish is the second mother tongue in the world, which explains the interest and need to learn this language. This influences the choice of Spain as a destination for students of this language. The profile of the idiomatic tourist is varied. Language tourism is currently growing and its characteristics arouse an important interest for cities because of the impact it has. This article focuses on this concept, measuring its importance, reference models of other countries are established and the main actors involved in the development of this tourism model are identified. On the other hand, a study is carried out in the city of Seville, both from the point of view of supply and demand. An exhaustive analysis of the language schools in Seville and an empirical study is carried out through surveys. This study investigates, among others, the tourist profile, reasons for choosing the destination, aspects derived from their stay, the estimated rate of return to Seville, as well as the degree of recommendation of this. The immersion of the idiomatic tourist in the city and their satisfaction have a multiplier effect for the visits of family and friends during their stay, for the estimation of future visits and for the fact of becoming a prescriber for other visitors for years.



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How to Cite
Ceballos Hernández, C., de la Cruz Luna, A. M., & Bardón Rafael, J. (2020, July 1). Approach to idiomatic tourism as a strategic and dynamizing segment in the cities: an Seville analysis. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 3(3), 292-316. Retrieved from