Northern peruvian gastronomy: competitive strategies of restaurants

  • Farfán Dávila Astrid Carolina
  • Kristel Brigitte Seminario Ortiz Universidad Nacional de Frontera
  • Cynthia Milagros Apaza Panca Universidad Nacional de Frontera
  • Luz A. Moreno-Quiste Universidad Nacional de Frontera
Keywords: Gastronomy, culinary tourism, Gastronomic Strategy, Sullana, Peruvian Food


The gastronomy is part of the cultural heritage of a territory and the Peruvian north is a sector that offers a variety of traditional dishes that attracts tourists. The objective was to identify the dishes preferred by consumers, the variety of the menu and the frequency of consumers in restaurants as well as describing how gastronomy contributes to the territory of Sullana and the competitive strategies that the restaurants implement. Method: This is a documentary review study, descriptive of a case based on the territory of Sullana, Piura Peru. Twenty-two local restaurants participated. Frequency tests and SPSS v22 software were used to analyze the variables. Results: Ceviche, Sudado, Leche de Tigre, Seco de Chavelo, Ronda Criolla, Chicharrón, Arroz con Mariscos are the most preferred traditional dishes by consumers and represent the gastronomic attraction of the area, only 27% of the restaurants vary the menu in holidays, the frequency of consumers during a week is between 600-650 people. 27% of restaurant representatives say that one of their best strategies is the good service they offer, 24% the quality of the dish, 17% its traditional seasoning, 23% the good price, 5% the secret recipes and 4% the large portions of food. Conclusions: Traditional dishes are the most preferred, however, it is necessary to establish a promotional plan to spread the history of the dishes and the identity of the area.


Author Biographies

Farfán Dávila Astrid Carolina,

Facultad de Administración Hotelera y de Turismo, Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Sullana, Perú

Kristel Brigitte Seminario Ortiz, Universidad Nacional de Frontera

Facultad de Administración Hotelera y de Turismo, Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Sullana, Perú

Cynthia Milagros Apaza Panca, Universidad Nacional de Frontera

Facultad de Administración Hotelera y de Turismo, Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Sullana, Perú

Luz A. Moreno-Quiste, Universidad Nacional de Frontera

Facultad de Administración Hotelera y de Turismo, Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Sullana, Perú


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How to Cite
Astrid Carolina, F. D., Seminario Ortiz, K. B., Apaza Panca, C. M., & Moreno-Quiste, L. A. (2020, July 1). Northern peruvian gastronomy: competitive strategies of restaurants. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 3(3), 67-78. Retrieved from