Talent management for public sector employees in the tourism area of Andalusia
During the last two decades, Talent Management has been a topic widely studied once its importance in the business context is known. However, most of the studies are limited to the private sector, leaving the public sector practically forgotten and, therefore, its relevance and the importance of effective Talent Management policies are underestimated. This is especially striking in the area of tourism, so prominent for Spain and, in particular, for regions such as Andalusia, but at the same time relegated both in private and public sector studies. Also, this sector is characterized by a dynamism and a constant evolution that makes the public sector's statism impossible.
Given this, this work investigates the existing literature by applying a method of systematic literature review (SLR) and analyses the public structure in the area of tourism in Andalusia to subsequently compare and propose the key elements for an approach of strategies for Talent management. A proper analysis of the reality of the Administration, and learning based on other cases around the world, is crucial for maximizing the productivity and versatility of the public sector, all of that with the consequent benefit for the region of Andalusia.
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