Promoting tourism through "Digital” : Case of the hotel sector of Agadir city, Morocco

  • M’barka Bouhouili Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences, Ait Melloul. Ibn Zohr University, Morocco
Keywords: Marketing, Digital, Tourism, Hotel Industry, Agadir


The tourism sector is today one of the main pillars of development of several countries, especially with the hotel business offering varied products and services and involving several actors such as travel agencies, tour operators ...However, the achievement of a competitive advantage in hotel services requires the improvement of services and the satisfaction of customers in a fiercely competitive situation characterized by the use of innovations and digital, which is now widely used in the hotel business and is likely to play a catalytic role. According to the review of the literature that we have carried out, the use of digital allows the hotel industry, through the new modes of communication, organization and marketing that it offers, to diversify the services as part of an integrated general approach, to reach an important audience, to manage the activities in real time and to improve hotel performance. This article proposes to study the impact of the digitalization of hotel activities on the improvement of the profitability of lodging establishments in the city of Agadir, which is a seaside Moroccan city known for its important tourist activity and in particular by the increased development of the hotel industry within it. To do this, based on an empirical study conducted with the various hotels in the city of Agadir, we examined the role that digital could play in improving hotel services.
The results obtained were analyzed and allowed us to bring out conclusive answers to our problematic and to develop some recommendations for
professionals in the sector.


Author Biography

M’barka Bouhouili, Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences, Ait Melloul. Ibn Zohr University, Morocco

Assistant Professor


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How to Cite
Bouhouili, M. (2020, April 1). Promoting tourism through "Digital” : Case of the hotel sector of Agadir city, Morocco. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 3(2), 46-55. Retrieved from