The influence of the Unesco WHS recognition on entrepreneurship in cultural microdestinations

  • Ana Belén Mudarra Fernández Departamento de Organización de Empresas, Marketing y Sociología. Universidad de Jaén
  • Julio Vena Oya Departamento de Organización de Empresas, Marketing y Sociología. Universidad de Jaén
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, WHS, cultural tourism, micro-destinations


In 1993, the brand World Heritage Sites was founded by cities which was declared by UNESCO as Wolrd Heritage, with the aim to preserve their heritage. From this date, several studies have tried to analyze the influence of this distinction on the demand and attractiveness of this destination.

Nevertheless, the influence in supply has not been yet demostrated. For that reason this paper tries to demostrate the influence of the WHS brand in the tourism entrepeneurship

Tax of tourism activities data from 1992 to 2016 was taken to develop a linear regression in two WHS micro-destenations like Úbeda and Baeza.  The influence of this brand was seven times higher than time effect. On the other hand, heatmaps were represented to see the effect on the location of the accomodation in this destinations.

This paper try to place the groundwork for a future researchs, demostrating the importance of this distinction in wealth and enterpreneurship.


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How to Cite
Mudarra Fernández, A. B., & Vena Oya, J. (2020, March 16). The influence of the Unesco WHS recognition on entrepreneurship in cultural microdestinations. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 3(1), 411-426. Retrieved from