Hotel receptionist profile and customer service on Ibiza island
Customer service quality is essential for the objectives and goals of the hosting companies and for the entire service sector. But, in a tourist industry with increasing levels of competitiveness and demand, there are still companies that do not sufficiently care for the various elements that make up the quality, including customer service, not being Ibiza an exception. Although it has always been of great importance, customer service quality is now a key element of competitiveness and the figure of the receptionist is essential. The receptionist is the visible face and the image of an accommodation, in addition to the worker with whom the clients have the greatest contact, being the axis on which the requests of the clients pivot within the establishment. In this work, a review of the basic concepts of customer service and the functions of hotel receptionists on the island of Ibiza is carried out. For this, the work is based on secondary sources and on the testimonies of receptionists of the island and their experiences. With this, it is intended to review the critical steps of this fundamental profession and that is a weak point in the case of Ibiza, launching a reminder to entrepreneurs who still neglect customer service at the hotel reception.
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