Accessible tourism: heading to the Peruvian bicentennial

  • Cynthia M. Apaza P Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Sullana.Facultad de Administración Hotelera y de Turismo. Peru
  • Johanna Elena Santa-Cruz Arévalo Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Sullana.Facultad de Administración Hotelera y de Turismo.Peru
  • Alba M. Camino O. Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Sullana.Facultad de Administración Hotelera y de Turismo.Peru
  • Luz A. Moreno Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Sullana.Facultad de Administración Hotelera y de Turismo.Peru
Keywords: accessibility, hotels, social tourism


The market segment that includes people suffering from some type of disability is becoming increasingly important in the tourism sector, so it is important to know the needs and desires of people with disabilities in their behavior as tourists. The research was carried out locally, and specifically in the districts of Sullana and Máncora, characterized by developing business tourism, ecotourism and sun and beach tourism; having as objective: To determine the degree of accessibility of the lodging establishments in the districts of Sullana and Máncora within the framework of the Peruvian Bicentennial. Methodology: The research is descriptive-explanatory, also, it was developed in four stages: 1) Bibliographic Review, 2) The observational method was used, through the application of an observation sheet, which allows collecting information in situ, 3) The analytical method was used, through the application of a questionnaire to the managers of the establishments, 4) Information processing, the statistical program SPSS 22 was used, to subsequently analyze the results obtained. Result: There is a low level of accessibility of the lodging establishments corresponding to the range of 0 and 25% in the districts of Sullana and Máncora within the framework of the Peruvian Bicentennial. Conclusions: The implementation of facilitating factors that will allow promoting accessible tourism in the districts of Sullana and Máncora as inclusive destinations, from which it would generate a positive effect both for the quality of life of people with disabilities and therefore for the improvement of The competitiveness of the tourist offer.


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How to Cite
Apaza P, C. M., Santa-Cruz Arévalo, J. E., Camino O., A. M., & Moreno, L. A. (2020, March 16). Accessible tourism: heading to the Peruvian bicentennial. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 3(1), 378-387. Retrieved from