The incorporation of the Parish of Santa Eulalia as a resource in Palma’s touristic offer. The integration between cultural divulgation and the conservation of its heritage
The Parish of Santa Eulalia is one of Palma’s most important historic-artistic monuments due to its historical relevance in the social, artistic and religious development of Mallorca. It is considered among the first five historical parishes erected after the island was conquered in 1229. After the 14th century, these parishes became key administrative and religious centers for the social and urbanistic organization of Palma.
In spite of its historical relevance, it is one of the less regarded and studied temples in local historiography. Currently, this situation affects the cultural divulgation exerted upon its material and immaterial assets. This situation does not correspond with some conservation plan which should be applied upon some of those cultural goods. This analysis departs from a diagnosis of the present state of the temple, both from a historiographic perspective which encompasses the incorporation of the parish as a resource in the touristic offer of Palma, and from a perspective that considers to what extent its patrimony has been conserved. Ultimately, the interrelation between these factors will be analyzed.
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