From the convent to the streets: recentring touristic products through gamification and ict based strategies
The transformation of consumer culture in contemporaneity has led to the double movement of globalization and glocalization, in their apparent oxymoron: the promotion of globalized values and interests, on one hand, and the increase in value of local assets as sources of development and promotion, on the other – something which is very clear when thinking about cultural tourism and the differential role of various forms of heritage. This points us to the notion of various scales of impact and dissemination, and the possibilities of working with them, rather than focusing specifically on promoting international or national touristic products. In this paper, we have sought to analyse the ways in which such touristic promotion can be undertaken with the help of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), especially in the context of gamification of the touristic experience, referring to an ongoing project in the city of Tomar. In the context, this seeks to promote a more sustainable and diverse heritage awareness that can serve a dynamic touristic base, rather than centralizing efforts on the main attraction (the Convent of Christ and Templar Castle). More so, we intend with it to deepen the discussion over agent-based touristic product adaptation, in a systems-theoretical perspective, by trying to derive the various possible impacts of individualized touristic experiences, balancing the economic, social and cultural impacts of various ICT strategies. This study case covers four phases, having begun in September 2017. Various data collection and analysis techniques will be used (namely observation, surveys and documental analysis), with the presentation of final results aimed at early 2020.
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