Reflections around didactic tourism


In the last decades a very diversified tourist offer has been configured that corresponds to the different expectations of the demand. For this reason, tourist products can be found, under heterogeneous meanings, that come to qualify those aspects that distinguish certain motivations of consumers. Significant examples are those related to the Natural and Cultural Heritage that, currently, have been widely opened to such diversification from the well-known “niche tourism” managed as a specialized alternative to other more generalist products, in order to reach new markets and consumers.

In this context it is in which the Didactic Tourism is ascribed, whose main objective is to meet the needs and expectations that tourists have from the perspective of learning through tourism practice. The purpose of this contribution is to reflect on it, both from its conceptual approach, and the needs of the product for its optimal development. This has followed, among others, a deductive method based on general situations to achieve the particularities of a specific reality.

The results show the difficulty in establishing a uniform criterion on what this tourist product demands due to its close relationship with other more consolidated ones, such as Cultural Tourism, concluding that the management of Didactic Tourism should be interested in the relationship of actors involved with the teaching-learning process that is achieved with this tourist practice.


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How to Cite
Millán Escriche, M. (2020, July 1). Reflections around didactic tourism. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 3(3), 407-422. Retrieved from