Proposal of an urban and industrial heritage circuit in río turbio, santa cruz, patagonia Argentina

  • Victor Hugo Morales National University Patagonia Austral
  • Mª Angelica Mercado National University Patagonia Austral
  • Graciela Elvira Tello National University Patagonia Austral
Keywords: Architectural heritage, Río Turbio, Argentine Patagonia


The city of Río Turbio is located in the border area of ​​the southwest of the province of Santa Cruz, Patagonia Argentina. The origin of the population was the old mining town of the state company of Deposits Carboniferous Fiscales (YCF), current Deposits Carboníferos River Turbio. Its purely industrial development and its proximity to the Republic of Chile, added to the climatic conditions of the place where it is located, gave the place the main characteristics that define it. Due to the growth of the city and the progressive increase of the construction of houses and infrastructure, the need to protect the representative urban heritage of the population and to add it to the existing tourist offer through the design and organization of an urban architectural circuit is evident. The same will be formed by the buildings that already have a legal protection and those that are under study and close to their designation as real estate of the local heritage. The proposal of this patrimonial circuit highlights the need to revalue these buildings and historical facilities that help to tell the local history, which reinforce the sense of identity of its inhabitants and that deserves to be shared with the eventual visitors and tourists. Finally, the advantage of the proximity to the Chilean city of Puerto Natales, which is an obligatory point to visit the attractions of the internationally known and regularly visited Torres del Paine National Park, stands out.



Author Biographies

Victor Hugo Morales, National University Patagonia Austral

 Río Turbio Academic Unit (UART) Institute of Environmental Sciences, Sustainability and Natural Resources (ICASUR). Santa Cruz. Argentina

Mª Angelica Mercado, National University Patagonia Austral

 Río Turbio Academic Unit (UART) Institute of Environmental Sciences, Sustainability and Natural Resources (ICASUR). Santa Cruz. Argentina

Graciela Elvira Tello, National University Patagonia Austral

Río Turbio Academic Unit (UART) Institute of Environmental Sciences, Sustainability and Natural Resources (ICASUR). Santa Cruz. Argentina


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How to Cite
Hugo Morales, V., Mercado, M. A., & Tello, G. E. (2020, January 6). Proposal of an urban and industrial heritage circuit in río turbio, santa cruz, patagonia Argentina. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 3(1), 174-183. Retrieved from