The historical-cultural heritage as attractive tourism: the colonial city esteco in the cuenca del rio juramento (salta - argentina)

  • Graciela Elena Walter RIDTUR
  • Juan Carlos Bernasconi University Católica de Salta- Argentina
Keywords: Colonial heritage, Archaeological sites, Potential and tourism development, Juramento River Basin (Salta - Argentina)


    The province of Salta (Argentina) with its geographical diversity and the richness of its historical past, contains sites and regions of high heritage value. Among them, located in the southeastern province, the Pasaje or Juramento river basin carries a set of archaeological sites that interact as territorial nodes, together with other tangible and intangible assets, a heritage system that gives it a powerful landscape, historical and cultural imprint , of strong identity for its inhabitants.

      The objective of this contribution is the dissemination of heritage, continuing a line of research with a territorial perspective from an integrative vision, on urban and architectural constructions forged in the colonial era and that contributed to the historical organization of the territory: three cities, forts and reductions Jesuit, plus the roads that interlinked them and linked Tucumán with Upper Peru; goods that were part of the space occupied by the Indian society and its urban development work.

      The theoretical and historical lines that gave them origin are investigated and presented, after processing graphic, photographic and bibliographic archival documents, the advances from the field of archeology made in the first years of the present century - embracing little explored niches of research on these colonial gregarious nuclei - especially from the city of Our Lady of Talavera in Madrid, known as Esteco el Nuevo. It is expected to increase and provide feedback on the knowledge capital of these resources, in order to transfer it to the different levels of management to define public policies aimed at promoting the territory's tourism through its enhancement, within the framework of development plans socio-environmental, cultural and tourism, operating as a model of sustainable local development and regional integration.


Author Biography

Graciela Elena Walter, RIDTUR

REOALCI Nodo Argentina


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How to Cite
Walter, G. E., & Bernasconi, J. C. (2020, January 1). The historical-cultural heritage as attractive tourism: the colonial city esteco in the cuenca del rio juramento (salta - argentina). Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 3(1), 152-173. Retrieved from