Agrotourism in the lower course of the guadalquivir (Seville)
The Marsh of the lower course of the Guadalquivir river was in ancient times an area of little economic value, isolated in the territory and associated with the stagnation of water, however, nowadays is one of the largest rice production in Spain and the second in the European Union.
The construction of new channels in the course of the Guadalquivir river at the beginning of the 20th century, the arrival of the English in 1926, the nationalization of the plantation in 1937, the modernization of production systems in 1970, and finally the incorporation of Spain into the EU in 1986 were, on the one hand, the triggers of a macro area destined to agricultural production that, today in the 21st century, has to diversify with other complementary uses.
On the other hand, the fact that these marshes belong to the Network of Protected Natural Spaces of Andalusia (RENPA), and specifically to the Natura 2000 Network in Andalusia, distinguishing in its proximity the Protected Space of Doñana (Decree 142/2016), converts them in an ideal place for the practice of tourism based on direct experience with rice cultivation. As a result of the analysis of its historical evolution, population, transformations of the physical environment and cartography, an area of opportunity is derived for a tourism sector which is integrated into a spectacular landscape unique in Europe, and in which we want to establish cultural routes under the epigraph of Agrotourism.
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